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Wthat's Hydroponics Plant(什么是水培花卉)?

Hydroponics is a special way of soilless cultivation of flowers. It uses modern biochemical engineering technology to carry out physiological and biochemical mutagenesis to the plant root system, so that the organizational structure and physiological traits of the plant roots will be changed fundamentally, the native root system is changed into the aquatic root system suitable for the growth of the plant in water. The plant with the aquatic root system can be planted in rich nutrient water (nutrient solution) and grow well for a long time and become a real hydroponics plant.


How to care a hydroponics Plant(怎样照料)?

It's very easy to care the hydroponics plants,you just change nutrient solution for them once or twice per month.


Nutrient solution,2L



Nutrient solution/water:1:1~1:5



Sago cycas铁树


Dieffenbachia 花叶万年青


Anthura 红掌


Asparagus fern 文竹

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Nutrient solution,500ml



Nutrient solution/water:1:1~1:5

lucky bamboo 富贵竹


Orchid 兰花


Bracket plant 吊兰




Banyan tree 水培榕树

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